Friday, March 19, 2010

I heart New York: Southampton Farmhouse Ales

RIDGEWOOD, New York –– One Woman really loves New York beers. It's good to be back!
As soon as I arrived, This One Guy and his cheese-loving cat (el gato negro) greeted me with some New York State Southampton Farmhouse Ales (Southampton Biere de Mars and Biere de Garde), some crusty Sullivan Street Bakery bread, a Cabot Clothbound Cheddar, and a Portchester from Saxelby Cheesemongers.

New York beers have a whole different set of flavors, characteristics, and criteria than California beers. Not just about hops or glam, these Southampon French farmhouse-style ales are solid, well balanced, and full of character. The Biere de Mars - Beer of March - is a clear, crisp, and bright ale. Meyer lemon colored, it's a delicious, effervescent amber ale that seems to burst with the joys of springtime (which has finally arrived in New York). Think, daffodils, spring flowers, and sunshine.

The Biere de Garde, is meant to be a beer that can be stored and enjoyed in years to come... or now! Frothy, shapely head, cloudy deep copper color, it's a yeasty one, with caramel and a great, warming spice blend. It's a great slow sipping beer.

This One Guy is awesome.

Musical pairing: Antonio Vivaldi, Spring, from The Four Seasons. In honor of springtime, and That Baroque Violinist, the talented M.L.

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