Saturday, July 24, 2010

Alternatives: On Top of the World but No Thanks to $7 Lite Beer

Sometimes a girl has to say 'no' to $7 lite beer. Even at the Getty Museum. So, on this edition of Lady and the Beer, One Woman presents to you, the $7 glass of mystery red wine courtesy of the Paul J. Getty Foundation. The wine was actually nice. Medium bodied, dark plum, and floral but not too sweet--I couldn't have asked for a better match for sipping out of a clear party cup, watching the sun set over the gorgeous gardens of the Getty with the Bomba Estéreo rockin' it on the stage above.
The Getty has a sweet series of free summer concerts called Saturdays Off the 405 (they should call it Saturdays Off the 405 if you can get on it in the first place.... omg! that freeway is so horrendously HORRENDOUSLY crowded--my bike commute to the Getty is 15-25 minutes. The drive was 1.5 hours. OMG.) One Woman was lucky enough to hitch a ride with the super couple, soon-to-be-wed A. and T. (congrats!!!!!!) to catch  Bomba Estéreo: 'Afro Colombian cumbia and champeta rhythms are deftly layered under surf guitar, keyboards, and bass beats.' It's a great combo of styles; so groovy, but still lighthearted at the same time. Check out their 2009 hit "Fuego" on their album, Blow Up (Nacional). Totally my summer jam.

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